and cognitive sciences


Neurocognitive technologies

Cognitive research includes acquaintance with the mechanisms of cognition in a broad sense: natural thought processes in humans and animals, modeling these processes in artificial intelligence systems. Cognitive science emerged as a response to behaviorism, in an attempt to find a new approach to understanding human consciousness.

One of the most complex objects of scientific knowledge is the human brain. It is the subject of a wide range of interdisciplinary research. The patterns of the mechanisms of the brain work are studied by psychologists, linguists, sociologists, psychiatrists, neurophysiologists (based on certain behavioral, speech and other reactions, conditioned and unconditioned reflexes), representatives of cognitive sciences, etc.

But today a cardinal breakthrough has been made in this most complex area. NBICS technologies also open up a new promising research field for such areas of humanitarian knowledge as economics, ethnography, communication, linguistics, etc.
Developments of Teslar SIA in the field of neurosciences