Another fair objection to poor-quality LED lighting is the excessive emission of blue light, which causes eye diseases, disorders of the hormonal, endocrine and immune systems. In 2010, specialists from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, SCCH RAMS, conducted a set of studies on the effect of LED lighting. The main results of the study showed that excess radiation in the blue part of the spectrum, which is characteristic of low-quality LED products, can lead to photochemical damage to the retina, increased fatigue and a decrease in working capacity by 2 times.
These processes are highlighted in the report of the French agency ANSES on food, environmental safety and occupational health. Models of biochemical damage to the retina from a dose of blue light have been well studied. According to the data obtained, there is a correlation between the intensity, spectral composition of light and the development of a number of systemic and ocular diseases. Blue light through the nerve cells of the retina (ganglion cells) and the centers of the hypothalamus affects the pineal gland, in which melatonin is synthesized, then the pituitary and adrenal glands, which produce cortisol (stress hormone) and more than 50 different steroid hormones.
The largest American epidemiological studies show that daily extra exposure to artificial blue light on the eyes of young people in adolescence by the age of thirty can cause retinal degeneration, 10 years earlier than from natural light, which doubles the likelihood of becoming blind. It should also be noted that energy-saving fluorescent and LED lamps made according to the principle - white LED: blue Crystal + yellow phosphor (lamps of this type occupy most of the market for LED lamps - more than 87%) have a sharp decline (dip) in the emitted spectrum at 480 nm ( nanometers). With such illumination with a large dose of blue light, and a "dip" in the spectrum at 480 nm, an inadequate control of the eye pupil diameter occurs, that is, no signal is generated to decrease its diameter. Thus, most of the blue light of a LED or fluorescent energy-saving light source falls directly on the retina of the eye, which leads to its oxidative stress and photochemical damage, to degradation processes in the vitreous body of the eye - the appearance of the effect of "flies", as well as suppression of melatonin production and accumulation its deficiency, which has a detrimental effect on human biological cycles, increases its sensitivity to magnetic field emissions - meteorological dependence.
Are all LEDs really harmful?
Not all. Blue light is included in the spectrum of natural light and is important for the functioning of the human body. However, you should be aware that the problem with blue light does not lie in the LED light sources themselves, but in their quality and spectrum uniformity. If they are manufactured in accordance with the required technical standards for biologically adequate illumination, there are no sharp "peaks" and "dips" in the spectrum, and harmful ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light are eliminated, then they are completely safe for eyes and health. It should be noted that energy saving and low quality LED bulbs can cause all of the above problems. Why? Simply put, white lighting arises from the mixing of the blue light of the diode with the yellow light of the phosphor. As a rule, such manufacturers have a luminophor ineffective and a pronounced "peak" in the blue light spectrum prevails, and they also have a sharp "dip" of the spectrum at 480 nm, and this leads to the inevitable appearance of health problems. Teslar is concerned about the safety of all people, which is why all our lamps and LEDs are tested separately. We use only high quality LEDs and developed by us polymer phosphors with a full solar spectrum, which allow us to obtain white light that is completely safe for the eyes. All Teslar lamps and luminaires are thoroughly tested, and the unique polymer phosphors used in them are developed by us in such a way that they make it possible to fill the missing part of the spectrum, and completely eliminate harmful ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR), so that their use is absolutely safe, and the emitted light - biologically adequate.
Also, from time to time, information appears in the media about the content of harmful chemicals in products using LED technology. These rumors have nothing to do with reality. Made by a reliable manufacturer, LED bulbs are free of toxic materials and can be recycled like most electrical appliances.