The quantum revolution in a resource management and a new word in a resource-based economy

- Democritus, the father of nanotechnology, 460-370 BC

"Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."

В 1959 году Ричард Фейнман в своём выступлении предсказал, что в будущем, научившись манипулировать отдельными атомами, человечество сможет синтезировать все, что угодно.

РИЧАРД ФИЛЛИПС ФЕЙНМАН — (1918–1988) — знаменитый американский физик-теоретик, один из создателей квантовой электродинамики (Нобелевская премия 1965 г.
Kim Eric Drexler (born April 25, 1955) is an engineer best known for studies of the potential of molecular nanotechnology (MNT)
In 1992, speaking before a commission of the United States Congress, Dr. Eric Drexler painted a picture of the foreseeable future when nanotechnology will transform our world. Hunger, disease, pollution and other pressing problems facing humanity will be eliminated. Almost everything that is necessary for human life and activity can be manufactured by molecular robots directly from the atoms and molecules of the environment. Food is from soil and air, just as plants produce them; silicon microcircuits are made of sand. Obviously, such a production will be much more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than the current industry and agriculture.

Humanity will receive an exceptionally comfortable living environment, in which there will be no place for hunger, disease, or exhausting physical labor. And in the future, we will see the emergence of a "reasonable environment" (nature, which has become a direct productive force). Nanocomputers and nanomachines will fill the entire surrounding space: they will be located between air molecules, be present in every object, in every cell of the human body. The entire surrounding world will turn into one giant computer, or, perhaps, it will be more correct, humanity will merge with the surrounding world into a single intelligent organism.
2000 year

Nobel Prize in physics

2004 year

Nobel Prize in physics

Graphene was transferred from theoretical to practical science in 2004 and has already established itself as one of the most promising materials.

The reason for this is its physical and mechanical characteristics: its thickness is 1 atom, high flexibility, strength is higher than that of steel and excellent ability to conduct electric current and heat. Graphene is a very, very promising material that will allow many industries to reach new frontiers.

More than 150 organizations are producing graphene and more than 400 companies producing graphene materials or developing products containing graphene, and the number is growing.

2008-2018 YEARS

"Green" graphene

Since 2008, the TESLAR Scientific and Industrial Association has been actively exploring methods of using ecological nanomaterials to improve the quality of life, preserve human health and cleanse the environment. For example: since 2008: water purification and climate control systems, power supply and thermal insulation of engineering complexes (biologically adequate light for humans and phytoeffective for plants).

Since 2010, the engineers and scientists of the Association begin to develop methods for the production of atomic-molecular design. Atom by atom, programmable materials are becoming obsolete materials used in the form of heat sinks and camps, pastes, adhesives, etc. Produced graphene and graphene-containing materials in our own production of systemic sustainable life. The created nanomaterials acquire qualities that are fantastic for classical physics.

Continuous research and the search for solutions in the field of waste management allowed in 2018 a fundamentally new technology for waste management. The use of quantum technologies to master the technology of nature itself: the transformation of elements.

"Green" graphene is a nature-like technology for processing waste of all types (including toxic ones). Waste no longer exists as everything is a valuable resource, just like in nature.

The starting material can be anything: any kind of waste. Polyethylene, glass, food waste, oil products, coal, wood. Sawdust, plastic bag, any packaging or old tire can become the skin of a spaceship or an unsinkable ship, an unbreakable device or a piece of clothing with unique properties and a 100-year warranty. Even toxic waste will be rendered harmless and converted into nanomaterials with magical properties.
More than 2/3 of technologies and materials used by humans can be significantly improved by using graphene.