Convergent Sciences


Teslar Scientific and Industrial Association develops and implements convergent sciences and nature-like technologies. This is the core of the 6th technological paradigm, based on the unification and synergetic strengthening of the achievements of convergent sciences (nanotechnology, biotechnology, information, cognitive and socio-humanitarian sciences and technologies - NBICS / NBICS).

NBICS convergence will be a complete fusion of these technologies into a single scientific and technological area of knowledge. We are convinced that with the convergence of knowledge, technology and society, we can fundamentally change the life of the planet and its inhabitants.

We are on the verge of a new social and technological revolution. A resource-based economy will provide people not only with free electricity, but also the best that money cannot buy. Eliminate the deficit and stop the global extinction of species on the planet. We have everything we need to transform the world around us and make the biological (including cognitive) and socio-cultural evolution of the human population.

The SIA conducts research work and expresses its readiness to expand cooperation with a variety of stakeholders around the world and invites cooperation in the development of convergent sciences, the creation and implementation of nature-like technologies:

Quantum science and Nanotechnologies
Resource management technologies: nature-like and quantum technologies in sustainable life support systems, material processing, synthesis of elements, etc. Production of nanomaterials, products and devices with their content: a new class of electronic devices, household items, environmental control and cleaning, etc.
The use of living organisms, their systems or products of their vital activity for solving technological problems, as well as the possibility of creating living organisms with the necessary properties. Systems for the cultivation and production of organic food with the necessary composition of trace elements, medicinal plants with essential oils, etc.
Information technologies
Supercomputer and accessories. Superconductors, wearable electronics, gallium electronics, wireless data transmission technologies, etc. (Information technology encompasses all the resources needed to manage information, especially computers, software and networks needed to create, store, manage, transmit and retrieve information.)
Cognitive science and technologies
A study of mind and intelligence, encompassing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neurobiology, linguistics, and anthropology.
Information systems, Intelligent control systems, artificial intelligence, blockchain systems. and etc.
Social science and technologies
Social technologies. Theory of the biosphere and noosphere. Sociocyberengineering, Venus Project.
A change in methods and methods of production will entail a change in production and social relations and create conditions for the establishment of a resource-based economy.

How convergence works

The following principles are used in relation to converging technologies to solve the problems of the human, social and planetary dimensions:
  • 1
    Interrelation and interdependence of nature, technology and society.
  • 2
    Convergence / divergence is an evolutionary process.
  • 3
    Dynamical systems are obeyed and studied based on the principles of logical deduction of decision making.
  • 4
    The need to form a unified, interdisciplinary language (terms, concepts) between different areas of knowledge.
  • 5
    Imaginative exploration, foresight, meeting the challenges of the times.


Convergence is the most relevant component of the dynamic and cyclical process of convergence / divergence, organically associated with mental activity and other areas of global, systemic human activity. This process contributes to the acceleration, development, improvement of progress along the chain: creativity - innovation - products.

The convergence phase of this complex process consists of analysis, creative conclusions about new ideas and integrations.
The phase of divergence (expansion in a broad sense) arises from the results of the phase of convergence and uses the conceptual formation of new systems, innovations in new areas (for example, telemedicine, computer clouds, deserted technologies and transport); in new discoveries based on the principles of convergence, multidimensionality of systems, competencies, technologies and products.

The convergence / divergence process is implemented in a coherent (connected) chain from idea to final goal.
The development model is that the growth rate (acceleration) of creativity and innovation increases with attention to the process of convergence and its rational management, while promoting connections, movement between different areas of human activity, between cycles of convergence and divergence.
The conceptual impact of convergence on creativity and innovation can be estimated by the innovation growth rate index (I), which is a quadratic function of the size (S) of the convergence region (I ~ S2), the time (T) of the convergence and divergence cycle (I ~ 1 / T3).
The authors formulate five main approaches that define the essence (core) of CKTS:
1. The spiral nature of the convergence / divergence process determines the generation of additional new solutions and the transformation of knowledge in the evolutionary process of the development of science, technology and practice.
2. Holistic (systemic) approach of the global evolving system of human activity, connected by a multilevel network of knowledge, technologies and social systems.
3. Formation of a high level of unified languages based on interdisciplinary convergence using knowledge, technologies, cultural generalizations. Creation of roadmaps of knowledge, a knowledge bank of generalized terminology, which will help in the emergence of new areas of knowledge and human activity.
4. Increased attention (focus) on vision, scientific analysis and forecast of fundamental changes associated with convergence. Effective and responsible achievement and use of the results of convergent sciences and technologies and the development of a development strategy on this basis. Systematic correction of the development strategy in accordance with the results.
5. Proactive active work with society to promote and correct the ideas of convergence.

More: XXI century. Camo coming? The role of converged NBICS technologies. German Krichevsky / Published 07/29/2015

Convergence is active and has a significant impact on the life of every person on the planet.
But a person usually does not notice this, using a mobile phone, the Internet, a smart car, smart clothes and many other types of NBIC technology products, without the divergence of which these products would not have appeared.

"There is nothing that could attract human attention to a greater extent and deserve to be studied than nature. To understand its huge mechanism, discover its creative forces and learn the laws that govern it - the greatest goal of the human mind. "

― Nikola Tesla