Science as a historical form of cognitive activity has always been an integral systemic formation, in which individual scientific disciplines are closely related to each other, interact, and influence each other.
In the 20th century, areas of knowledge emerged that became a connecting link between the sciences of nature and the sciences of society, man: cybernetics and sociocybernetics, bionics, genetic engineering, etc. Today, none of the branches of science can exist without the use of information technology. Following information technologies, nanotechnologies appeared, also of a supra-industry nature and directly aimed at the design of new materials that did not previously exist in nature. It is nanotechnology that creates the foundation for a fundamentally new technological order and a new level of organization of science and scientific technologies.
It becomes possible, on the basis of the purposeful creation of artificial nature-like structures, to fundamentally change the relationship between the technosphere and the biosphere, that is, to essentially implement the prophetic ideas of V.I. Vernadsky about the noosphere. To create a noosphere, in which the technosphere will become an organic part of nature, it is necessary to switch to fundamentally new convergent technologies. The main distinguishing feature of such technologies should be their maximum proximity to natural processes.
Today, the development of science has reached such a level when, through the convergence of sciences and technologies, it has become possible not only to model, but to design nature-like systems. These technologies include, first of all, nanotechnology. They lend 21st century science and technology. new features - return a person to the perception of the world as a whole and, what is especially important, make it possible to reproduce the world around, using the same "technological methods" as nature itself.
Nanotechnology is a supra-industry area not only theoretically, but also substantively and practically integrating special scientific disciplines and technologies. Currently, a complementary combination of nanotechnological approaches is developing with the achievements of molecular biology, bioengineering, genetic engineering, etc. This interdisciplinary symbiosis is becoming the basis for the development of a new class of technologies - nanobiotechnologies.
At the same time, today biology began to operate with huge amounts of information, which became possible only thanks to information technology. By synthesizing nature-like systems and processes, mankind will sooner or later approach the creation of anthropomorphic technical systems, highly organized "copies of living things."
The solution of the most difficult problems is possible on the basis of combining the methodology of nano-, bio-, information technologies with the approaches and methods of cognitive and socio-humanitarian sciences and technologies that study and simulate human consciousness, its cognitive. creative activity. Thus, convergent nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive and social-humanitarian sciences and technologies open up the possibility of adequate reproduction of systems and processes of living nature. This makes them a practical tool for the formation of a qualitatively new technosphere, which will become an organic part of nature.
In order to reasonably use all the achievements of modern science, to create a noosphere, which V.I. Vernadsky, it is necessary to take into account and use the laws of transformation of consciousness, human psyche. Man as a subject of a practical and cognitive attitude to the world is himself an object of scientific and technological influence. Sociocybernetics is the organization of society using the latest advances in science and technology to solve problems and challenges, such as restoring the environment and creating a decent lifestyle for humans.
Convergent sciences and technologies as a tool for the formation of a new technosphere are becoming a force capable of radically changing the nature of man and his life. Today, in connection with convergent technologies, which are a huge transformative force, the question has arisen: to what extent are we ready to go in these transformations when they concern the person himself? This is a question that touches upon not only the sphere of self-awareness and self-development, but also self-preservation.