Quantum Medicine


Quantum Medicine

Drug-free methods of treatment: laser, infrared, electromagnetic, extremely high-frequency and light exposure.

This is a branch of medicine, the methods of which provide fast, painless and non-invasive diagnosis of the whole organism and treatment of diseases in all areas of medicine without the side effects of the acting factors. Quantum medicine is effective in the treatment of more than 200 diseases, as well as prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation.
Electromagnetic effects close to natural factors that have a beneficial effect on the vital processes of a cell, organ, system and the whole organism.
The quantum effect launches the hidden reserve adaptive capabilities of the body both at the level of an individual cell and the entire biological system as a whole, sharply increasing immunity and mobilizing the body's defenses to actively resist the deviations in functioning that have arisen.
Quantum medicine uses the fact that all biological processes accompanying the vital activity of a living organism have their unambiguous reflection in the structure of the electromagnetic information field that surrounds the organism and is present inside it.


The 21st century will be marked by the massive introduction of nanotechnology in order to preserve and improve human life. Nanomedicine ranges from medical applications of nanomaterials to nanoelectronic biosensors and applications of molecular nanotechnology.

For more than 14 years, nanomaterials created by the members of the Association have been successfully used to create devices for diagnostics, prophylaxis, prosthetics and treatment.
Developments of Teslar SIA in the field of nanomedicine