Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945) - a brilliant mineralogist, crystallographer, geologist, founder of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeology, the doctrine of living matter and the biosphere, the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere, an encyclopedic scientist deeply interested in philosophy, history of religions and social sciences. His research interests included mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, geology, soil science, radiogeology, biology, paleontology, biogeochemistry, meteorics, philosophy and history of science. In addition, he was engaged in organizational and social activities.
IN AND. Vernadsky has been using the noosphere concept since the mid-1930s. He came to the conclusion that the appearance of man with his scientific thought was a natural stage in the evolution of the biosphere. As a result of human activity, the biosphere must inevitably change radically and pass into a new state, which is called the noosphere - the sphere of reason (noos - from the Greek mind). This means that the noosphere is the geological shell of the planet Earth, which develops under the control of Reason, under the influence of conscious human activity.
In the noosphere, man transforms the Earth not only in accordance with his needs, but also taking into account the laws of the biosphere; noosphere is a natural body, the components of which will be the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and organic world, transformed by the intelligent activity of man (in the future, outer space should also be included in the noosphere). In accordance with the laws of the noosphere, social and state life will have to be built, the main meaningful and constructive driving forces will be scientific creativity and innovation. IN AND. Vernadsky firmly believed in the inevitability of just such a development of the biosphere and therefore, until the end of his days, looked with great optimism at the future of mankind.