Socio-humanities and technology

Convergence of Science and Humanities Knowledge
"The 21st century will be the century of the humanities - or it won't be at all"
- Unknown author
Cognitive research and technologies, consisting of a neurophysiological block and a humanitarian part.

Below on the page we list the works that inspired us to research in this area and formed the basis for further developments and technologies:

Noospheric development
Resource-based economy
Environmental protection
Quality management and innovative development

Developing cognitive research, we study the processes of consciousness with the help of neurosciences, physiology and molecular biology, and on the other hand, we simultaneously attract humanitarian knowledge from various specialties: economists, social architects and engineers, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, linguists, ethnographers, etc.
For example: Studying the behavior of a person or an animal at the time of making a decision, we look at the propagation of a signal through neural networks, excitation of various parts of the brain from neurophysiological positions, then descending to the molecular level. On the other hand, at the same time we can investigate the same process with the help of humanitarian technologies, for example, by studying behavioral, speech, psychological and other features (see the figure below).
Transformation of humanitarian knowledge into technology
Рисунок: Национальный исследовательский центр „Курчатовский институт"»
The convergence of society, science and technology in order to ensure sustainable and noospheric development is thinking
out of politics and out of competition.

Социо-гуманитарные науки и технологии
Noospheric development
In order to rationally, safely and effectively use the latest achievements of science and technology, to bring the modern technosphere into harmony with nature, to create the noosphere, which V.I. Vernadsky, it is necessary to take into account and use the laws of transformation of consciousness, the human psyche. Man, as a subject of a practical and cognitive attitude to the world, sooner or later himself becomes an object of scientific and technological influence.

Today humanity is at a bifurcation point. We have come to the realization that we must become a part of nature, live at the expense of fundamentally new resources and technologies, created on the basis of living nature. And this is possible only with the use of the most advanced technological advances. The preservation of our civilization, its future is associated with the emergence and development of convergent NBICS technologies. They will allow creating a harmonious noosphere, in which its three components - the biosphere, the technosphere and the most complex system of public relations - will not conflict, but complement each other, interact in the closest way, i.e. will be convergent.

The future of mankind is in the hands of man himself, a "reasonable man" armed with a rational weapon of scientific knowledge of the world. After all, as you know, "knowledge - an irreducible component of any human way of mastering the world - can be embodied in almost all products of material and spiritual activity of people" [Pruzhinin 1986, 14]. It is science that should become one of the main driving forces in overcoming the systemic crisis of civilization, the survival of mankind, and entering a new stage in the development of civilization.
Humanitarians - along with the inventors of the nuclear bomb and experimenters in the field of genetic engineering - bear a considerable share of responsibility for what is happening in the modern world. It depends on the ministers of the humanities how people are ready to accept the fact of having different opinions, and how much they have developed a critical attitude to the information received. There are probably very few people who have the skill of rechecking data brought to automatism, although the need for its formation will not be seriously disputed by anyone. Complaints of other humanitarians about a population that are overly susceptible to propaganda may hide an unconscious desire to absolve themselves of responsibility for the failure of a project to promote critical thinking
- Opinion
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945) - a brilliant mineralogist, crystallographer, geologist, founder of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeology, the doctrine of living matter and the biosphere, the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere, an encyclopedic scientist deeply interested in philosophy, history of religions and social sciences. His research interests included mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, geology, soil science, radiogeology, biology, paleontology, biogeochemistry, meteorics, philosophy and history of science. In addition, he was engaged in organizational and social activities.
IN AND. Vernadsky has been using the noosphere concept since the mid-1930s. He came to the conclusion that the appearance of man with his scientific thought was a natural stage in the evolution of the biosphere. As a result of human activity, the biosphere must inevitably change radically and pass into a new state, which is called the noosphere - the sphere of reason (noos - from the Greek mind). This means that the noosphere is the geological shell of the planet Earth, which develops under the control of Reason, under the influence of conscious human activity.
In the noosphere, man transforms the Earth not only in accordance with his needs, but also taking into account the laws of the biosphere; noosphere is a natural body, the components of which will be the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and organic world, transformed by the intelligent activity of man (in the future, outer space should also be included in the noosphere). In accordance with the laws of the noosphere, social and state life will have to be built, the main meaningful and constructive driving forces will be scientific creativity and innovation. IN AND. Vernadsky firmly believed in the inevitability of just such a development of the biosphere and therefore, until the end of his days, looked with great optimism at the future of mankind.

Vladimir Vernadsky
Academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences; one of the founders and the first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, natural scientist, thinker and public figure. The founder of scientific schools and the science of biogeochemistry. One of the representatives of Russian cosmism. Laureate of the Stalin Prize, 1st degree (1943).
Resource-based economy
Jacques Fresco ( March 13, 1916, Brooklyn May 18, 2017, Sebring) is a production engineer, industrial designer and futurist. He worked as an inventor and designer in a wide variety of fields, from biomedicine to the development of fully integrated social systems. He is the founder of the Sociocybernetics organization, now known as the Venus Project. Together with his colleague Roxanne Meadows, he designed and built a 10 hectare research center. The main topics of his research were: holistic design, passive house, cities with sustainable development, resource-based economy, universal automation, cybernetic technologies, the role of science in society.
The Venus Project is the culmination of Jacques Fresco's lifelong work. The project is a collection of all the best of the achievements of science and technology in a comprehensive plan for the transition to a new society based on concern for people and the environment. It is a global vision of hope for the future of humanity in an era of technological advancement.
In July 2016, Jacques Fresco was honored with the Novus Summit award. in the category "Urban Design / Community", with the support of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, for his contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Jacque Fresco
Production engineer, industrial designer and futurist. Director and founder of Project Venus.
Jacque Fresco about the Resource-Based Economy
Environmental protection.
Quality management and innovative development.

Oleg Lebedev
Doctor of Economics, professor, inventor, full member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Federation named after V.I. AM Prokhorova, Honorary Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation.
Lebedev Oleg Timofeevich (December 30, 1937) - a prominent scientist in the field of environmental protection and quality management, training of highly qualified personnel, strategic management and innovative production.

Author of over 350 scientific and scientific-methodical works, descriptions of the developed devices and devices.
More than 30 candidates of economic sciences have been trained, scientific advice has been provided to 3 doctors of economic sciences with successful defense of dissertations.

Developed and delivered author's courses of lectures in disciplines
"Quality Management in the Urban Economy" and "Social Protection of the Population".
He has written works, conducts training and lectures at several universities on topics such as:
- Organization of production (production process: Production planning. Design. Control in production),
- Teaching methods. Forms of teaching. Forms of education
- Higher education. Graduate School. Training of scientific personnel
- Environmental protection. Environmental quality management
- Protection, rational use and reproduction of natural resources
- Methodological questions. Organization theory and practice
- The relationship of people in production
- And others.

Social programs and initiatives of Teslar SIA