
Painting by Ivan Shishkin. "Oak Grove", 1887
Charter of the Teslar Scientific and Industrial Association
The charter of
international public organization

Charter approved
Constituent Conference
Research and Industrial Association "TESLAR"
November 06, 2008

Changes and additions approved
4th conference
September 12, 2012
7th conference
July 15, 2018
and 13th Conference
February 19, 2020
1. General Provisions
1.1. The international public organization "RESEARCH AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION" TESLAR SIA" - Teslar Scientific and Industrial Association (Teslar SIA) (hereinafter referred to as the Association) is an environmental non-profit public association (organization) of citizens and their associations, whose activities are aimed at developing and the implementation of the accumulated scientific and technical potential to achieve harmony between society and nature, preservation and restoration of the natural environment and (positive) transformation of man and society.
1.2. The Association extends its activities on the territory of the Russian Federation and other states, where there are its structural divisions, created in the manner prescribed by law. The status of the Association is international.
1.3. The Association in its activities is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, the norms of international law, the legislation of foreign states, this Charter.
1.4. The association carries out its activities on the basis of the principles of voluntariness, equality, transparency, self-government and legality.
1.5. The location of the Council of the Association is Saint Petersburg.

2. Goals and objectives of the Research and Production Association

2.1. The goal is to combine the intellectual potential, creative, research and organizational capabilities of the members of the Association and the Society for the development and implementation of the accumulated scientific and technical potential to improve the quality of life of each person and build a civilization living in harmony with nature.
Improving the efficiency of collaboration with scientific institutions, international experts in various fields of applied sciences and organizations involved in the preservation of ecosystems, human health and life.
Improving the efficiency of scientific research, technical development and production; improving planning and management, improving the organization of scientific research and technical development, introducing the scientific organization of labor and production,
Ensuring wide participation of independent researchers and teams in scientific and production and research activities, as well as in the management of the Association, joint implementation of measures for the social development of the Society and the population and the fulfillment of obligations arising from responsibility for the planet and its inhabitants.
2.2. Задачи Объединения:
Development and implementation

Development and implementation of nature-like technologies - the core of the 6th technological order, based on the combination and synergetic strengthening of the achievements of convergent sciences (nanotechnology, biotechnology, information, cognitive and socio-humanitarian sciences and technologies - NBICS / NBICS) as a tool for building the noosphere and sustainable life support a person (who would not be antagonistic to nature and would not endanger life on the planet and beyond).
Providing support for the implementation of scientific research and development in the field of convergent sciences, nature-like technologies, as well as quantum (nano-, femto-, etc.) technologies and algorithms that are practically applicable in matters of environmental, social and economic significance. Search for their new applications in solving problems of ensuring environmental safety, protecting human health, preserving biological diversity and creating conditions for sustainable (noospheric) development of society;

The search for new opportunities, technologies and methods, ways to implement the construction of an environmentally friendly, more humane and technically more advanced civilization through the development and implementation of innovative technologies to improve the quality of life of people and solve the most important problems of our time, such as the greening of activities and the achievement of a society of abundance by mankind, without money , poverty, hunger, war, disease, age and waste (and other forms of violence).

Ecology and man

Finding ways to preserve natural resources and greening human activities through the search for new opportunities to reach a new level of energy efficiency and resource efficiency using nanomaterials, the development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies and resource management methods inherent in a resource-based economy (to a lesser extent, a circular economy) Namely / Including:
- displacement of the practice of planned obsolescence through the development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies for the manufacture of products with reprogrammable functions and an unlimited service life (Including, methods of atomic design of various nanomaterials with desired properties)
- development of methods and technologies for obtaining and producing nanomaterials that meet high environmental friendliness requirements and have a technical level not lower than the 6th technological order (waves of innovation, techno-economic paradigm). Environmental friendliness in this context implies a complete absence of emissions into the environment;
- Development of new materials with predetermined (programmable) properties, applicable to protect human health and the environment;
- Development of technologies, methods and methods of production based on the use of nature-like technologies and suitable for civilian use in all spheres of human life and for the ecology of the planet.
For example: Technologies for processing all types of human waste into nanomaterials with programmable properties.
- Development of technologies for the synthesis of new elements;
Search for new applications of quantum and nature-like technologies to provide all-round assistance to civil society in activities to preserve and restore natural heritage, improve and cleanse the environment, ensure environmental safety and noospheric (sustainable) development;

Human, quality and life expectancy

Search for ways to preserve human health, improve the quality and duration of human life through the development and implementation of resource-saving and health-saving technologies.
- Improvement of technologies for sustainable life support of the planet's population, understood as / (a characteristic feature of which is): A) The ability to provide a better quality of life for all people living now, as well as for future generations; B) Providing an opportunity for development, in which current needs are met without prejudice to the ability of future generations to meet their needs; C) the ability to cope with stresses and shocks, as well as - to recover from them, and when it is able to develop without destroying the natural resource base.

Bionanotechnology and food safety.

Development of technologies for the year-round production of high-quality plant products (food and medicinal plants) in order to provide the highest standard of living for the growing population of the planet and without any cost or any harm to the ecology of the planet.
- Quantum and nanotechnology in lighting. Safe video environment, vision hygiene and sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. Development of technologies to prevent the development of disabilities, maintain health and improve well-being.
- Providing support for research and implementation of their results for the development of naturopathy and herbal medicine, quantum medicine and nanomedicine, linguistic wave genetics and epigenetics, and other technologies that can help a person overcome disease and age.
- Other civilian developments, applicable, inter alia, to ensure the operation of space expeditions and cities-settlements on other planets and in intergalactic space.

Expertise and educational activities

• formation of a competent expert position in the public information field in matters related to noospheric development and environmentally friendly technologies;
• popularization and provision of positive public opinion regarding the development of convergent science and environmentally friendly nature-like technologies;
• formation of an optimistic scientific and ecological worldview, promotion of knowledge about the state of the natural and scientific environment, experience and principles of scientific activity to prevent environmental crises of local and global scale;
• development of environmental transparency, providing the population with information about the positive opportunities that technologies provide us to improve the state of the environment and public health;
• comprehensive informing of organizations and communities striving for social and environmental transformations of our society about the achievements of the Association and science in the field of creating new environmentally friendly technologies and the development of new technological processes, which has great potential for these purposes, as well as participation in the prescribed manner in environmental and technical exhibitions and events;

International Cooperation and Assistance

• expert support for the implementation by civil society of the strategic goal of building the noosphere and further positive development of human civilization and assistance in the introduction of nature-like technologies in all areas of human activity.
- organization of public environmental and technological control, as well as environmental monitoring of the environment, natural and cultural values and objects, as well as public health;
- assistance in ensuring the protection, restoration and rational use of the natural environment and natural resources;
- transfer of developed new equipment and technology to enterprises and production associations for the organization of serial and mass production, participation in the organization of the release of new products, carrying out installation supervision and commissioning;
- providing the necessary assistance in improving the qualifications of scientific and managerial workers and specialists of organizations, enterprises and production associations (combines), mastering and implementing the results of scientific research and technical developments of the scientific and production association;
• creation of a platform for finding and developing a common position by participants in socio-economic and environmental-technological transformations in terms of key issues of development and implementation of technologies that have the potential to create a technosphere that organically fits into the biosphere of the planet. Attracting other cleantech cleantech players to this site;
• facilitate the exchange of information, technological solutions, proposals regarding the implementation of new directions, opportunities for improving interaction between participants;
• establishing cooperation with international specialized associations and organizations dealing with:

Global Community Initiatives

• Development of scientific and technical forecasts, plans and programs for solving the main scientific and technical problems aimed at increasing the ecological and technological level of production and products in all industries;
• Proactive participation in scientific searches for high-tech solutions to meet the urgent challenges of the time and the requirements of life safety.
• Contribution to the change of the technical and economic structure and the global introduction of a resource-based economy, as a necessary step for the start of global systemic economic, environmental and social transformations of our society, including for the start of full-scale nanotechnological, biological and cognitive evolution;
• Proactive participation in the development and implementation of environmental-technological and socio-economic projects, strategic development documents, framework programs, norms and standards that determine which achievements of science and technology can be applied in the future.
3. Rights and obligations of the Association
3.1. For the implementation of the statutory goals, the Association has the right:
freely distribute information about their activities;
participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local self-government bodies in the manner and volume provided for by the Federal Law "On Public Associations" and other laws;
hold meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and pickets;
establish mass media and carry out publishing activities;
represent and defend their rights, the legitimate interests of their members, as well as other citizens in government bodies, local governments and public associations;
exercise other powers stipulated by the laws on public associations;
come up with initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to government bodies.

3.2. The association is obliged:
comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for by this Charter;

4. Members of the Association. Their rights and obligations
4.1. The members of the Association can be individuals and legal entities - public associations that recognize this Charter and the program documents of the Association and conduct activities consistent with the goals and objectives of the Association.

4.2. Admission to membership of the Association is carried out by the Council of the Association on the basis of applications for individuals or decisions of the governing bodies of public associations (with subsequent approval at the conference of the Association), about which a corresponding document is issued. The admission rules are determined by the conference.
Members of the Union who compromise the Union by their activities, violate its Charter or fail to fulfill their obligations to the Union, may be expelled from the members of the Union by a decision of the Union Council, by a majority of 2/3 of the elected members of the Union, with subsequent approval at the conference of the Union.
Public associations participate in the activities of the Association through their authorized representatives.

4.3. Members of the Association have the right:
elect delegates to the conference of the Association;
participate in all events and programs of the Association;
elect and be elected to the elected bodies of the Association;
create branches of the Association in accordance with the field of its activity;
access to information at the disposal of the Association, its bodies, branches and other formations;
priority assistance from the Association;
priority provision of the Association with important information;
organize actions and events necessary to fulfill the statutory tasks of the Association;
carry out public environmental control over the state of the environment, natural and cultural values and objects, as well as human health;
to exercise public control over the observance of legislation in the field of nature management, protection of nature and cultural values and objects, the environment, human rights and health, ensuring environmental safety;
use the emblem and other symbols of the Association in their symbols, when holding actions and events that correspond to the statutory goals and objectives of the Association, on printed and other products produced in accordance with the statutory goals and objectives of the Association;
freely withdraw from the Association upon the application submitted to the Council of the Association.

4.4. The members of the Association are obliged to:
follow in their activities the provisions of the Charter and program documents of the Association;
timely and fully provide the necessary information on the problems of the Association at the request of the bodies of the Association, incl. The Center for Coordination and Information, other members of the Association;
actively participate in any activity corresponding to the goals and objectives of the Association;
use all your opportunities to assist other members of the Association in their activities;
to widely promote the activities of the Association and its results, goals and objectives of the Association.
5. Organizational principles of the Association
5.1. The guiding principle ensuring the integrity of the Association is the most complete, reliable and prompt informing of all its members.
5.2. The association builds its activities on the principles of self-organization, public self-government and self-financing.
5.3. In accordance with the scope of their activities, members of the Association can create branches of the Association, which are its structural divisions.
5.4. The branches of the Association are independent in resolving their internal issues, including in determining the structure and higher bodies, directions, forms and methods of activity, if this does not contradict this Charter.
The branches of the Association act on the basis of the Charter of the Association, or their own charters, which do not contradict the Charter of the Association.
5.5. The highest governing body of the branches, acting in accordance with the Charter of the Association, is a meeting (conference) convened by the governing body of the branch at least once every three years. An extraordinary meeting (conference) is convened at the initiative of the governing body or the audit commission. The meeting (conference) is competent if more than half of the members of the department are present, decisions are made by a simple majority of votes.
The meeting (conference) determines the directions of the department's activities, elects the governing body and the audit commission for a period of three years, hears their reports and determines their competence, decides other issues of the department's activities.
5.6. The rights of the Association and its structural divisions for property management are determined by the current legislation and documents of the Association.
5.7. The Association has the right to create (open) branches and representative offices abroad, which operate in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Council of the Association and current legislation.
6. Governing bodies of the Association
6.1. The supreme governing body of the Association is the conference of the Association.

6.2. The conference is convened by the Council of the Association in accordance with the decision of the previous conference, or at the request of at least 1/3 of the members and branches of the Association, the Council or the Audit Commission, but at least once every three years.
An extraordinary conference of the Association is convened on the initiative of the Council of the Association or the Audit Commission.

6.3. The procedure for electing conference delegates is determined by the Council of the Association.

6.4. The conference:
hears and approves the reports of the Council of the Association and the Audit Commission, evaluates their work, as well as the activities of the programs of the Association;
if necessary, approve or revoke decisions taken by the Council of the Association in the period between conferences;
elects members of the Council of the Association and the Audit Commission for a period of three years;
makes decisions on the creation of programs of the Association in various areas of activity; approves program coordinators who are members of the Association Council with an advisory vote;
makes decisions on the reorganization and liquidation of the Association;
discusses and accepts program documents;
makes decisions on amendments and additions to this Charter;
makes decisions on holding international actions of the Association.
Conference decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes of the delegates present at the meeting (unless otherwise provided by the Charter) in the presence of more than half of the elected delegates.
The decisions of the conference on the creation of programs, on holding actions in the protection of the environment, are of a recommendatory nature for the members and departments of the Association.

6.5. The elected bodies of the Association are:
audit committee.
These bodies are elected at a conference of the Association by secret ballot for a term of three years.

6.6. Unification Council:
is the permanent governing body of the Association;
acts on behalf of the Association during the period between conferences of the Association on the issues of relations of the Association with other organizations;
exercises the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the Association;
monitors the activities of the Center for Coordination and Information;
approves the symbolism of the Association;
appoints the director of the Center for Coordination and Information;
organizes campaigns and events in support of green technologies and environmental protection;
organizes the activities of the Association, acts on behalf of the Association for the implementation of the statutory activities of the Association;
organizes, if necessary, representative offices and programs in various areas of activity, forms other bodies of the Association;
ensures the preparation of conferences of the Association, determines the time and place of their holding;
determines the procedure for electing delegates to the conference;
renders all possible assistance to the rest of the bodies of the Association in solving issues within their competence;
resolves issues of admission to the Association of new members, exclusion from members.
The Association has the right to co-opt a new member of the Association by consensus within the quota established by the last conference.
The decisions of the Council are taken by a simple majority of the number of those who took part in the voting, except for cases requiring consensus (admission to the Association and co-optation to the Council). Meetings of the Council are competent if more than half of the members of the Council are present.
For the members of the Association, decisions of the Council on issues related to the relationship of the Association with other organizations, enterprises, institutions and citizens, on holding actions to protect the environment, are of a recommendatory nature.
All members of the Council have equal rights, can speak on behalf of the Association and are responsible for their actions before the Council and the conference of the Association.

6.7. Coordination and Information Center.
The Coordination and Information Center is a working body created by the Council of the Association in accordance with the decision of the conference.
The Center for Coordination and Information in the interests of the Association collects the necessary information, provides it to interested persons and organizations, organizes working groups to resolve individual issues and problems, and carries out other actions necessary for the successful operation of the Association.
The Director of the Center for Coordination and Information is appointed by the Council of the Association and reports on his work to the Council.

6.8. Audit committee:
accountable only to conferences;
checks the implementation of conference decisions;
checks the research and production activities of the Association;
reports to conferences on the results of audits and proposals arising from them.
Audits of the activities of the Association are carried out as required, but at least once every three years.
Members of the Audit Commission cannot be members of other elected bodies of the Association and employees of the working bodies created by the Association.
7. Legal status, funds and property of the Association
7.1. The Association acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the procedure established by the Law, has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banking institutions, a round seal, stamps and letterheads with their names, the samples of which are approved by the Council of the Association.

7.2. The Association, represented by the Council of the Association, in accordance with the current legislation, and in the manner prescribed by law, has the right:
protect the legal rights and interests of its members and other citizens in violation of environmental protection legislation;
to represent in courts in cases of protection of the legal rights and interests of citizens;
to represent in courts in cases on the protection of natural objects, the natural environment, on the recovery of damage caused to them on behalf of the victims;
organize and conduct public environmental-technological expertise and public environmental hearings in relation to production technologies, systems and products introduced into public consumption, in terms of environmental friendliness of their production and safety of use, benefits for people and the planet.
in order to fulfill the statutory tasks, conduct any activity not prohibited by law, create organizations with the rights of a legal entity;
establish mass media and carry out publishing activities;
announce competitions, organize and hold meetings, rallies, demonstrations, symposia, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, organize auctions within the framework of the tasks provided for by the Charter and in accordance with applicable law;
create and take part in the creation of the Association of non-profit organizations necessary for the fulfillment of the statutory tasks, including environmental initiatives and public inspections;
conclude contracts arising from the research and expert advisory activities of the Association, as well as make any civil transactions in the manner prescribed by law;
carry out other activities that do not contradict the current legislation.

7.3. The Association is not responsible for the obligations of its members, just as the members of the Association are not responsible for the obligations of the Association.

7.4. The emblem of the Union is a yellow flower of life on a black background, or a beige flower of life on a white background. (The "Flower of Life" is a geometric figure formed by the intersection of evenly spaced circles with the same radius. The circles are arranged so that they form a symmetrical six-rayed pattern, the element of which is similar to a flower with six petals)

7.5. Cash or other material values in accordance with this Charter do not enter the Association in any form and do not form the Association's property.

7.6. The association, in accordance with this Charter, cannot carry out entrepreneurial activity. Any other activity that may serve to achieve the statutory goals of the Association is carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation and international law.

8. Procedure for the termination of the activities of the Association
8.1. Termination of activity (liquidation) or reorganization of the Association are made by the decision of the conference of the Association, adopted unanimously.

8.2. The liquidation of the Association can be carried out by a court decision in the manner prescribed by the current legislation.

The reorganization and liquidation of the Association is carried out in accordance with civil law and civil law.
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