
Mission and Vision of Teslar Research and Industrial Association
We see our mission in the development and implementation of nature-like (nature conservation), as well as green technologies **, as the main tool for greening technology and activities, as well as a powerful catalyst for the transition to a new technological order, transformation of technological spheres of activity, economy and society, the formation of the noosphere.

Today, the development of science has reached such a level when, through the convergence of sciences and technologies, it has become possible not only to model, but to design nature-like systems.

The task of overcoming the systemic crisis of civilization, and, in fact, the survival of mankind, becomes the task of forming a new noosphere, in which the technosphere should become an organic part of the environment, and not be in contradiction with it, as is happening now. To do this, it is necessary to move to a new paradigm for the development of science based on convergent nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive technologies. Their main distinguishing feature is their proximity to natural natural processes in their unity and interconnection.
The development of technology creates extremely powerful, unprecedented means for transforming man and society, but at the same time equally large-scale risks and threats to the future of mankind. The influence of the technosphere formed by man on nature becomes uncontrollable and threatens the existence of all mankind. We are witnessing an unprecedented rate of innovation. Some of them affect the fundamental foundations of life and are fraught with unpredictable consequences.

The global crisis cannot be resolved within the framework of the fundamental principles of civilization based on an active transformative attitude of man to the surrounding nature. To create the noosphere, which V.I.Vernadsky wrote about, and in which the technosphere will become an organic part of nature, it is necessary to switch to fundamentally new convergent technologies. The main distinguishing feature of such technologies should be their maximum proximity to natural processes.

Today humanity is at a bifurcation point. We have come to the realization that we must become a part of nature, live at the expense of fundamentally new resources and technologies, created on the basis of living nature. And this is possible only with the use of the most advanced technological advances.

We are convinced that we have what it takes to transform the environment and end permanently systemic violence, poverty, hunger, wasteful consumption and production. The preservation of our civilization, its future is associated with the evolution of the biosphere into the noosphere and the implementation of the achievements of convergent sciences, quantum and nature-like technologies and achievements of social sciences and humanities, such as sociocyber engineering and resource-based economy*, which have been undeservedly ignored for a long time.

NBICS convergence will be a complete fusion of these technologies into a single scientific and technological area of knowledge. We are convinced that with the convergence of knowledge, technology and society, we can fundamentally change the life of the planet and its inhabitants.

We are on the verge of a new socio-technological revolution. A resource-based economy will provide people not only with free electricity, but also all the best that money cannot buy. Eliminate the deficit and stop the global extinction of species on the planet. We have everything we need to transform the world around us and make the biological (including cognitive) and socio-cultural evolution of the human population.

The Scientific and Industrial Association conducts research work and expresses its readiness to expand cooperation with a variety of stakeholders around the world and invites you to cooperation in the development of convergent sciences, the creation and implementation of nature-like technologies. Together we will build a new relationship with nature and stop the global extinction of species on the planet.
* Resource-based economy is a global social and economic system in which goods and services are available without the use of money, loans, barter, as well as any other systems of lending and servicing.
** Green "technologies are technologies that allow achieving the goal of an activity with a complete absence or minimum consumption of resources and a minimum of environmental pollution. They have an ecological mission - the greening of technology and activities, and are also powerful catalysts for the transition to a new technological order, transformation of technological areas of activity, the economy and society.
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About the rules of admission to NPO Teslar on this page
The program of action "Quantum transition to a resource-based economy" put forward by Teslar SIA includes a whole range of unique developments and a number of the most advanced quantum technologies. For example, it contains technology developed in our laboratories and has the potential to make a huge contribution to the development of a resource-based economy. The technology of processing waste into valuable nanomaterials is a new word in resource management, which cancels the very concept of waste.Как оно отсутсвует и в самой природе.

The Venus Project offers a real plan of action for social transformation aimed at achieving a peaceful and sustainable global civilization.

"Theory of Noosphere of Vernadsky"
The obvious is the incredible. Word about Vernadsky (1983)
"Paradise or Oblivion"
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