Naturopathic medicine is an alternative treatment method aimed at activating the body's own healing mechanisms. It is achieved through diet, medicinal plants, essential oils, etc.
Naturopathy is a holistic approach that combines modern scientific knowledge with natural and traditional medicine and places great emphasis on the relationship between body and mind.
Naturopathy has its origins in alternative medicines in the 18th and 19th centuries, but its philosophy can be found in the medical teachings of Hippocrates (the "father" of modern medicine). He believed that healing was in nature itself, and from his famous phrase "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" ("healing power of nature") it can be inferred that he believed in the body's ability to heal itself. The proof of this is his famous saying "Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food."
The naturopathic physician acts as an assistant to the gradual recovery processes occurring in the body. When the body is unable to fight the disease on its own, the naturopath helps it by removing obstacles such as infection, unhealthy dietary system, etc. His tools are the nutritional system, medicinal plants, nutritional supplements, walking in the sun, yoga: essential oils, and so on.